New article on cynicism in the EU

I published an article in the Chinese Political Science Review on the change of the European Union and the far right in its member states. I focused on the cynicism of politicians, and selected certain fields like human rights, refugee law, Brexit and the single European market to show how EU legislation changed recently. I distinguished between two kinds of cynicisms 1) The cynicism of far right forces and 2) the acceptance of far right values and rhetoric by seemingly democratic parties. The article is open source, thanks to Eötvös Loránd University, so you can download it freely on the link below.

The article is available here.

And remember:

National Socialism was not an aberration; it was, rather, the product of a dialectical historic process of economic, social, and political forces on one hand, and human hopes and longing for the good life on the other. National Socialism was successful as a mass movement precisely, because it was able to turn long-cherished myths and symbols to its own purposes.

George Mosse